說回她的屍體被發現之時,已經等了多日的父母已經懷有最壞的打算,當確認死者身份為他們的女兒時,他們竟然說"Last week was the worst of our lives. Things were made just that little bit less terrible when we saw Jo's body. It was a relief to see her body again – we just said, 'Welcome back'."
Before the body was found, Mr Yeates had said he was sure his daughter was dead and expressed fears that he and his wife could go to their graves not knowing what had happened to her.
外國很多政客會在下台之後出版自傳,講述在位時每一個決策時刻的感受,Tony Blair就很忠於工黨,等了兩年,在工黨再次成為在野黨之後才出版《A Journey》。Gordon Brown則無須等待,輸掉選舉後,幾個月之內就可以賺取版稅,出版《Beyond the Crash》。
現在我最期待的是現任英國首相David Cameron和副首相Nick Clegg的自傳。
先說Nick Clegg,《衞報》發表《20 things we learned in 2010》,第一條就寫到Nick Clegg今年的瘀事,大選期間他印製海報警告說保守黨要提高增值稅(VAT),意想不到是在幾個星期之後,他──作為副首相,當然,要支持首相的施政。又,未成為副首相之前,自由民主黨就舉辦投票,反對增加大學學費,短短六個月之後,Nick Clegg pushed a policy to triple them.
It wasn't that I forgot Hanna. But at a certain point the memory of her stopped accompanying me wherever I went. She stayed behind, the way a city stays behind as a train pulls out of the station. It's there, somewhere behind you, and you could go back and make sure of it. But why should you?
After Hanna left the city, it took a while before i stopped watching for her everywhere, before i got used to the fact that afternoons has lost their shape, and before i could look at books and open them without asking myself whether they were suitable for reading aloud. It took a while before my body stopped yearning for hers; sometimes I myself was aware of my arms and legs groping for her in my sleep, and my brother reported more than once at table that I had called out "Hanna" in the night. I can also remember classes at school when i did nothing but dream of her, think of her. The feeling of guilt that had tortured me in the first weeks gradually faded. I avoided her building, took other routes, and six months later my family moved to another part of town.
《衞報》這樣寫:The inspiration for the design came, apparently, from photographs of the couple at a sporting event, and had been approved by the Queen and William.
閱讀《我的大英百科狂想曲》的過程簡直要用艱辛來形容,要明白假如我執著到每一項不明白的題目都上網搜尋解說的話,這本書大概夠我消磨一年半載。我會稱某些閱讀為「征服」,不像我們讀Diary of a Wimpy Kid一樣的輕鬆,那些要反反覆覆讀幾次,甚至要拿出來討論的內容有時真的可以殺人,我最近就被一篇討論陰陽家的文章悶得奄奄一息。
這個年代要翻譯一種語言實在太方便,隨便在google打幾個字,便可譯成幾十種語言。然而語言之間並非絶對的互通,就像我常舉的例子 ─ 「捨不得」。英文之中只有「miss」,只有掛念。在一個未離開的人面前,你會說「don't leave」和「i will miss you」,兩句說話加起上來,才有點接近「捨不得」的意思。這是否代表一個只有英語思維的人不會明白華文世界中的這份不捨之情?我實在懷疑。
被問及的事,英文為that which is asked about,德文為Gefragte。
在提問中所要被尋獲的東西,英文為that which is to be found out by asking,德文為Ergragte。